Friday, May 1, 2009

Racist Minorities

(Warning. I'm going to be talking about race. ZOMG run away. I'm not going to be any more PC about it than I am in my own head, either.)

I'm a white woman. I'm proud to be who and what I am.

But I'm not allowed.

The most prevalent racism I see today is against white people. If it's not a crime to be born black or hispanic or asian or whatever... it's not a crime to be born white. I would love racial equality. Yes, there are some white racists in the US. But I think the thing that's hurting my primary focus in this argument, black people, the most, is their speaking out against racism. Let me explain.

I was raised in the Seattle area. I was born in 1988. This means that my childhood world was filled with liberal hippie douchebags that were so PC that it hurt. They enforced the power of minorities so hard that it became part of our culture. It has since faded, and we say Merry Christmas again. However, the culture I came into adulthood in is still very affected. I am by no means racist. My parents, even though my dad was raised by racists in a racist community, are by no means racist. I was raised in a world where the only people who used the word fag were either ignorant Christians (not to be confused with normal, decent Christians) and 12 year old boys. The N-word was not said unless you were black. It's a decent culture to live in if you're a minority who needs to get away from racism. But there's a problem.

The racism against white people in the liberal, anti-racist culture is huge.

When we moved into our house, we had neighbors. They were black. This never even came up until one day, when our windows were shaking from their kid's music, we asked them to turn it down. They got very offended and refused. After several attempts of getting them to turn it down, we called the cops. They were not told to turn it down, and the cops looked at us a little funny, even.

They told the cops that we only told them to turn it down because they were black. The race card infuriates me. The next neighbours we got were a large family of a mixed race couple (white mother black father) their kids from previous marriages, and a child or two between them. The obnoxious-ass white kid (who was 22 and still living at home without a job because he was lazy) played his music very loudly. He and his siblings were often very obnoxious, and the mother allowed it. We had used condoms thrown over our fence, even. The father worked 2 jobs to support them.

The most beautiful thing I've ever seen is their father and mine standing on the front porch of their house screaming at the kids in unison. It brought a tear to my eye. The father of that family is what I'll call "normal black person." I hate to use the label, but it differentiates him from "jackass black person." Who is normal black person? He's a guy. He doesn't use his race as a way to get ahead and put others down. He doesn't bring up race to a white person to make them feel guilty. He doesn't blame things on racism when they're caused by something else. When someone lives their life regardless of race, I don't really see color.

What makes white people nervous and causes a lot of the racist attitudes and stereotypes? I call these people jackasses. Or to refer to jackasses who are black, the "jackass black person." The jackass black guy is absorbed in the thug culture subset that is commonly associated with hip-hop music. He talks about the glory of crime (even though he may be from a middle class family) and intimidates white people because he has been taught by thug culture that he is owed something. This is where a lot of the violence and intimidation that makes white people unconsciously afraid of black people comes from. They don't want equality. They want to be superior, and they demand that we, for the crime of being white, must bow to them or pay up. This is when I see color. I meet someone who happens to be black... and I look at his clothes. Do they fit, or could a small family live in his pants with him? The dress of the thug culture tells me if I should be careful around the potentially aggressive and angry person, or if he's a normal, functioning member of society.

Why am I not afraid of thug white kid? 99% of them are Malibu's most wanted. They're lame and if they go to court over something, they can't use the race card to hurt me. They're usually lame. The only scary thug white kids are in the actual scary places. I don't go there because it's just good for all of us if my lily-white ass stays out of scary places. I can't exactly pass for anything but white, and angry people with possible gang connections scare me shitless.

Can you blame me?

So why the fuck do so many black people popularize the idea of gang activity in the media, and connect it to being black? Then they bitch about not getting treated equally and everyone thinking that black people are thugs.

I feel really sorry for the normal black people out there. The jackasses are hurting them, and they need to STFU and get on with things. Grow up and move on.

But what about reparations?

It's called white guilt. For the next generation or so, liberal white guilt will get you that extra bump up that legislation would never truly give you.

All I want? Permission to be proud of being white. Permission to not be ASHAMED of who I am.

Being proud of your racial heritage does not make you a racist.

Not being ashamed of your race does NOT make you a racist.

Thinking your race is better than others?

Then you're a racist.

Jackasses need to stop being racist towards white people.

Seriously... just because our ANCESTORS did it to you, doesn't mean you should do it to us.

Stop being racists, kay?

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