Monday, May 4, 2009

Feminists Piss Me the Fuck Off.

I go to a super liberal school within a fairly liberal school. Feminists roam the plains, burning bras and telling us how much meat will kill us while they smoke their pack a day. Men are evil. They objectify us because they... they... treat us like meat?

I don't know, but most men I've ever met, if they think a woman is attractive, will look. They'll actually hide it, too. Why? Because in our culture, looking at a woman openly is supposed to objectify her and make her uncomfortable. See... I thought it was because many men like tits.

My mother goes to a gym where she and her girlfriends not only openly stare at men, but also make comments the man in question may or may not hear. This is common behaviour. Women are allowed to look, but men aren't.

This is an interesting principle that pisses my boyfriend and male friends (as opposed to my one female friend who lives in Mexico and my other female friends who I have yet to meet because they live in the internet) off. See, on the bus, many attractive women will be standing, as there is no more room to sit. This puts tits and ass at eye level.

I can openly stare, as I am female. The target of my staring does not matter. They cannot, as they are male. They are also not allowed to stare at other men. Me? I can stare and talk.

This society encourages men to be looked at as sex objects openly (using their language) and women are kept in a little bubble. This bubble can be broken by women who are brave enough to rake in the cash that porn provides, and sales tell them how attractive they are. Normal women, though, don't really get many people commenting on our bodies. It's rude and men are afraid to do so. I know 50 year old Joe in the office might still tell his secretary she has a nice ass, but he's not an example of modern culture.

Men in this modern culture are kept quiet while we stare at them.

Kind of like 100 years ago?

Cept women were silenced while men stared at them.

Damn Feminists.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sooooooo true.