Friday, May 15, 2009

eBay Shaman?

On Venture co there's a level 80 elemental shaman running around like an idiot. He's blowing heroism when he means to mount, and using chain heal and chain lightning on single targets. It seems that he is looking to see what each spell does before casting. Sadly enough... this shaman almost defeated a retadin in PVP.

Was this shaman bought on eBay?

Nope. It's a girl trying to grind Valiance rep on her boyfriend's engineer. I'm bored, and I want my chopper. I'm halfway there on the gold, and getting there on the mats. I just need an engineer with the rep to make the damn thing. The boyfriend in question is on a break from the game, and I want to be able to drive lowbies to instances I'll grind them through. My Death Knight needs a choppa!

My boyfriend... is left handed and uses bar mods. I am almost cripplingly right handed and do not use bar mods. I am not only unable to use his keybindings for things as simple as the jousting dailies, but I also have no clue about shamans above level 10. Hell, I'm looking for rejuve on this thing.

I pop him to his off-spec of elemental, THEN after searching for ten minutes, I ask my boyfriend where riptide is. -_-

Some cynical part of me suspects these are not his actual keybindings.

He switched them around to confuse me so I'd give up and go level my rogue engineer up from 40. The man seems to want me to have an 80 rogue.

To think... people pay for this.
Really... why the headache?

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