Saturday, April 25, 2009

How Many Runs Does it Take to Get a 60 Paladin?

This is the question I am trying to find the answer to. So far I've run along behind the paladin through Elwynn out of his group and tossing rejuve on him. I've also been healing touch spamming because I get bored easily and I'm not ADD at al- oo a squirrel!

The reason we need a lvl 60 paladin is because my Death Knight's boyfriend has decided to become a paladin... again. He's secluding himself for reflection to regain his connection to the Light, and the player will consider this done at about lvl 60. He did not leave her to become a Paladin, but rather she urged him to try to have those powers again. He's coming back to his little NE frost princess. It's proving to be an interesting plot already, and I want to help him hit 60 (He doesn't have a ton of playtime and thankfully only has 1 lvl 80) as fast as he can so it can advance rather than sit stagnant for a year. He is not killing things to level in character, but rather trying to become what he once was through study.

The Plan:

10- Deadmines!
15- Stockade!
20- Cathedral!
40- Zul'Farak!
45- Stratholme!
55- Outland instances!

Day 1, we hit lvl 10. Let's see what day 2 brings. I promised the bastard Arenas if he'd push it. I'm hoping for at least lvl 15 today, because I fail at deadmines. I really do.

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